Grades 3-8 Test Scoring Consortium 2024 (1/2)

Thank you for registering for the New York City Charter School Center's 2024 Test Scoring Consortium. 

Please note: As of Spring 2024, all students in grades 5 and 8 are MANDATED to take the operational ELA, Math, and Science tests via computer-based testing (CBT). Other grade levels may also participate in CBT, but paper-based testing (PBT) will still be available for these students. 

Our Scoring Consortium scores ELA and Math tests (paper and computer-based) for all grades 3-8. NEW THIS YEAR, we will also score PBT Science tests in grades 5 and 8 only. 

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Make sure you know the number of students to be tested in each grade/subject and the type of test they will be using (paper or computer-based).

Remember, if your school has multiple locations, please select the proper site from the "Select Your School" drop-down menu. You will need to fill out a separate registration form for each campus. 

The cost to join the Scoring Consortium is:
$12.83 per test for Paper-Based 
ELA, Math and Science tests
$9.13 per test for Computer-Based ELA and Math tests

As an example, if a school has 50 students taking PBT tests the total cost will be $1,283
($12.83 X 50 ELA tests) + ($12.83 X 50 math tests).

Questions? Please contact to Kimberly Zambrano, School Supports Coordinator, at